Giant Comfort Women Statue Appears during Mass Rally in Seoul (Nov. 24, 2016)

Perhaps, it is one of the most mind-boggling sights in the history of mankind. A giant comfort girl statue appeared in the mass rally in Seoul calling for S. President Park Geun-hye to step down. Demonstrators also came up with a giant rising-sun flag in order to take delight in tearing it up.

Does it make any sense? The only reason the author can think of is the fact that the comfort woman statue is a symbol of anti-something; anti-Japan, anti-government, anti-regime or whatsoever. The statue has nothing to do with human rights, awareness of women’s tragedy in war or whatever mumbo jumbo they claim so strongly everywhere in the world.

I hope the South Koreans take this insanity as an occasion for moral and spiritual rebirth. - Pope Francis

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